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Fabrication - Physical Computing Focus: Switches.

I brainstormed on what aspect can I add to make turning on a switch fun and playful in way, the action of pushing a button within itself is interactive. Using our hands to input an action and the output would be light coming on for instance, so what can I add more to that action? 

Thinking of fun and playful the Phrase “Ra'sney Ya Gada3 “ , Translation of that phrase hey dude make me dance. Gathering pieces of magazine cut outs to put together a composition of what the collage would look like, and after putting together the collage. The next step was sketching out the slide movement of the and how that action could complete the electrical current to turn on the LED.


Now it was time to wire everything up together.

Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail! Fail!

Pretty much lost count on how many times I failed to figure out what was wrong, until Yeseul came to help me out (thank you again!). Turned out the main culprit here was my breadboard, there was no power reaching the lower half of it so that's why the LED wouldn't turn on. Solving that problem was a simple wire connection from the ground to the lower part of the breadboard, lesson learned make sure your breadboard isn't weird!

Success!Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success!

Finishing it all up


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